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Unit Honor Roll PointsTo keep in compliance, each unit in Riverside Council PTA must submit unit documents to council each month. Refer to the Honor Roll Points document below to see what is needed to be turned in each month. Please note:
* The President is responsible for ensuring that all paperwork is remitted to council. * All items must be turned in at Riverside Council's Monthly Association Meetings to qualify for honor roll points. * Membership rosters should be submitted to council monthly. * Only one copy of each item needs to be turned in, or, if preferred, emailed before the meeting. * NO POINTS will be awarded for items turned in after the due date or items not complete. These items are required in order to remain in Good Standing: ** Officers Contact Entered into MyPTEZ (August) ** Pay Insurance Premium (October) ** Good Standing Membership Roster - MUST have 15 members paid to be in good standing (October) ** Federal & State Tax Filing (DUE BY November 15th) Look for BONUS point opportunities throughout the year. (Listed in Honor Roll Document) Honor Roll Points/ Bonus points will be given if these reports are uploaded in myPTEZ before the meeting each month. These reports are required to be uploaded during your term for the California State PTA. If you are not able to upload before the monthly meeting, it is still important to upload during your term.